MPTS is an abbreviation for Multi Protocol Traffic System. This device works on 4G and allows you to connect you devices to internet up to 8.000ft. This way you can enjoy using applications in flight like Safesky, Weather, Skydemon, Foreflight, etc.
Our MPTS device enables pilots to utilize Internet WiFi in the cockpit via a 4G network.
It receives and displays ADS-B, ADS-L, Transponder, Multilateration position, SafeSky, etc
Displays traffic and weather information on in flight navigation maps i.e SkyDemon, ForeFlight etc.
Displays traffic on "radar screen" of full EFIS on a tablet or phone
4G Network
0.1 Watt / 0.2 Watt / 0.5 Watt
Up to 8.000 ft